Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 280 something!

We are now all plastered up.  We decided to plaster all of the walls on the first floor since the existing had all texture on them adn patching would have been impossible.  I also like the idea of plaster verses sheet rock because the latter is sooo sensitive.  We have dinged and dented hte NEW upstairs in teh first 4 weeks of us living there.  It is terrible.  Plaster offers a buffer and is very durable.  Plus I like the juxdaposition of modern with old world wall texture.  The plasterer we used was a true artist adn does AMAZING work.

Now you didn't think this phase would go off without a hitch on my house did ya?  Imeanhow hard can it be to slap mud on a wall and make textures, right?  WRONG...I have a haunted house.  He spent 2 days applying th eplaster and he noticed some yellow stains showing through on one wall in teh family room.  Now we had brown walls so where teh yellowish spots came from is anyone's guess.  Anyway, he decided to redo the entire wall.  It looked great.  I left teh house and came back 2 hours later - the wall started "crying and bubbling" up like it was possessed with evil juices or something.  it was something straight out of a horror flick.  The plaster master is bewildered and has NO idea how to fix it.  So now we are sitting and waiting for it to dry completely before we make a plan of attck...check it out..
 The tears you can see and in the one below you can see a bump - but the wall is filled with them!!

Other than that - the rest of the walls look amazing>  Everything is so bright and white - nice and clean.
 The textureis called "medium sand" so there are "grains" on the walls..but note how bright it is now without our old darker wall colors!

 We have a truly bright kitchen now.  You can stand at the front door and see the backyard from the right and left!!  I LOVE that.
 Now we just have to pick out a kitchen.  Tilo and I spent this weekend looking at all options - of course about 3-4 weeks too late but what else is new or expected from us.

We are looking at Ikea vs,. carpenter made vs. a combo..these are 2 kitchens we love the look of..

What do you think?

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