Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 128 - It's raining contractors.....

We are back in full swing trying to get our interior finishes together.  Tile has gone in - will be grouted Monday, but it is looking great..a few hiccups here and there..things that could have been laid with a bit more thought but I couldn't be there every second and as a result will have to live with the tile cuts as they are.  If this was my only project, I could have sat down and engineered the entire tile layout so no "cuts" were necessary by increasing the width of the glass stripes, etc.  BUT I also have to make money so there isn't much I can do.  I think once it is grouted, the cuts will fade least I hope they will or I will be KICKING myself for not taking the time to handle the layout.  Who knew I would have to become a tile, paint, and exterior trim expert???

JUST some tips, the red stuff you see on my walls and floors is red guard and is a waterproofing seal that you paint on top of your Durock before installing tile.  It adds a layer of waterproofing behind the tile and on top of your wood framing.  Many guys use it on the seams, I had him paint 2 layers on the entire walls, floors and seams for added protection.   A small additional expense for loads more water protection!

Our Master Bath:
My limestone bench...
 The first glass strip at my shower head...the niche is also visible.
 The second glass stripe at Tilo's shower head.  You can see the cut in the corner..Urgh...
 A close up.  These glass tiles are TINY and very difficult to work with but the look beautiful!! They are a zinc color and will be grouted with the just shimmers and looks really Luxurious. Look them up SICIS tiles.
 Looking from the entrance, towards the bench and 2nd niche for me.
 My limestone subway floor tile....and my SQUARE drain.  I recommend to every to get an EBBE drain - the square form is much easier to tile around and it gives you a modern touch to any shower floor.  Most tile stores sell them or you can get them on line.  Make sure you get the complete construction kit and cover.

Viola's shower got grouted so it is now complete and looks ultra modern, young and hip.  It is hard to see the straight vertical lines of the 4x12 tile because the grout matches so perfectly but it looks cool close up!  And most important, She loves it!!  I am using the gray limestone for her countertop.

We are starting exterior painting on Monday, grouting our shower then and finishing up interior door work during the week.  Interior painting will be the following week along with countertop installs and then it is plumbing & lighting fixtures.  FINALLY we are on the home stretch!!

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