Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

DAy 79-81...Drum Roll Please..........

WOW - after an absolutely exhausting week, I have what I want...a beautiful granite facade with aged Lithonia granite - oranges, yellows and grays rounding out the color pallet.

Day 77 we started with the granite column on the right....

 Day 78 the moved on to the 2 columns that support the arch over the front door.

Day 79 the scaffolding was set to granite the entire front face of the addition.

Day 80 the arch started to take my column to the right looked better relative to the size of everything else.  Things started to come together.

Day 80 - the guys even arched the inside edge of the facade - sitting on my porch your view is just as nice as the one from the street. Their workmanship was amazing!

End of Day 80 - the moved so quickly, they finished 75% of the facade in basically 2 days.

Day 80 - the orange and yellow pieces were a NIGHTMARE to include in the design.  No one understood what I wanted. Not even the guys who spoke english.  I hand picked the orange aged pieces at a stone yard, had the delivered and sorted them to be strategically placed on the facade.  No one understood.  Next step - I made a picture and drew orange dots on various points so they knew where to put the colored stones.  didn't work.  Out of desperation on day 3 I climbed the scaffolding with a can of neon spray paint in my hand and painted teh spots on the wall that were to have small and large orange stones.  They finally understood after moving and relocating about 10 pieces....this is the result....

Day 81, the 2 guys at the top are placing the last stone at the peak.  And YES it was an orange one!! :)  The funny thing is that by the 5th day the guys liked this whole stone placement thing and would come down off the scaffolding, view their work, decide on some additional color placement - ABOVE and BEYOND my requests, climb back up and install.  They saw this as an art work.  In the end, after all the frustration, it was fun working with them.  Today was teh last day and I treated everyone to pizza and Corona!!

You can see them leaning back to admire their work and craftmanship - 2 brothers Poncho and Cabina.  EVERY single stone was hand cut and shaped with a little chipping hammer.  Small, medium and large they guys gave each stone its shape!  The pattern was also thought out and planned.

Here you can see the blends of the aged, weathered and regular stones.  Imagine how simple gray it would be without those additional colors.

Finishing touches were placed on the interior face and we were finished.Next week it will be the brick steps and stone walk way. Then the exterior will be complete.

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