Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Making headway

So we did get lots done last weekend.  The house now looks like a home with our subfloors down...Between the crew being here on saturday and Tilo throwing on his tool belt (well actually he doesn't have one - he uses a duffle bag which he carries with him) we are ready for the next phases ... ALMOST. You have to literally look over everyone's shoulder to make sure your "ToDo" lists get done.  Unfortunately mine is always in english and everyone here only speaks spanish!  BIG TIP - have your lists and items translated into spanish to give to your workers.  I guarantee your percentage of completion will sky rocket!!

Here is where we are now..
The Master Bath - looking towards the shower and our window:
 Viola's bathroom looking into her new bedroom:

Everyone came out on Saturday to help, even Ruben's son helped bring in lumber - he was a Happy camper!!
 "Machine" (okay that is not how you spell his name but that is what it sounds like and since my spanish is a little rusty from my days growing up in Miami this will have to do) - now machine didnt look too happy.  I had the framers putting in insulation for me.  You can imagine how that went over...but I did buy everyone Subway for working on Saturday!!

Tilo is the best in all of this. Ask him how our renovation is going - "AWESOME" - Piece of cake". He gets to put on a tool belt and play Construction man on the weekends.  He LOVES swinging a hammer (thank goodness he is good at it or we'd have stress between us - Luv you honey!!)
 Our Master bedroom:
 Viola's bedroom (I think it may actually still be bigger than our master!!):

All in all we can't complain.  It is looking good. NOTICE how clean - have you ever seen floors that clean on a renovation?  you can tell I am a little lost without activity on the job site.  I get nervous and the first thing I do is Vacuum!!

Next is Insulation, then sheet rock, then hardwoods and tile.  Crap time to get ordering!! Just when you think you catch up, the next items need to be ordered and arrive on time. Tile will be tricky ESPECIALLY since the guys this weekend lost my custom band Viola created.  It is now nestled somewhere below my subfloor.  I hope we can still order it.  Will go there this weekend to see. A bit nervous that we wont know the colors in the sample anymore...YIPES>> See SH_T does happen even to me!! Stay tuned.....

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