Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Friday, March 18, 2011

We are bricked in!!

So the porch brick is on....had to make some tweaks, switching out a few bricks here and there to make the colors work but I think we have a match.  The mortar is wet and not dry so it is truly hard to tell if we picked it right  but keep your fingers crossed that it looks like the existing....look at the progress picks thus far...

 This is with the window brick removed, front porch about to be bricked up...

 This is the "Junior" mason - replacing some bricks for me...the mortar looks dark but it will dry in the next 2-3 days and match (hopefully) the old mortar of our house.

And we have a NEW window in our stairwell.  That is Maurice the MAIN mason on our porch...

What do you think??

Tomorrow they will complete all brick work and do the stone landing.  Then is is concrete block posts and granite which will be delivered Monday.  we are rolling now.  Insulation is now Monday instead of Saturday, which is honestly okay and then we will sheet rock Thurs or Friday and head our of town during that process! 

I ordered my tiles yesterday and am SOOOO excited about the colors.  I think both the bathrooms will look amazing.  So many decisions, this is not my thing honestly.  I like to build it and have someone else deal with the finishes.

Once brick and stone are done, Ruben will come back and finish the exterior trim work - getting all windows and exterior doors trimmed out, installing a porch ceiling, columns, etc.  Then I can paint and get some gutters on so we dont have a leaky basement!!

Will post more tomorrow!!  

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