Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 22 - Organize Thy Self

The key to any successful renovation project (or at least the management of such project) is organization.  You need to have an overall project schedule and you need to stick with it.  This schedule should outline the major milestones in the renovation process - foundation, framing, mechanical installs, insulation, sheetrock, interior trim, painting and final installs but maybe even more important it should tell you when you need to have your windows, valves, plumbing fixtures, lights, switches, paint colors, and what nots ON SITE in order to stay on the schedule. 

I try to keep my clients updated each week on where we are with the construction and where they should be in their design process.  I indicate via email when we need what items on site, allowing them as much advance notice as possible so they can select, order and receive those items on schedule.  Now on my own project I didnt have ME to guide me.  Ruben and I decided at the last SECOND to start this thing and within 5 days he was done and I had no windows on site!  Home Depot called this week to tell me that the windows have been delayed ANOTHER week!  urgh.  Then my plumbers show up today and all they need to do their work is my valves.  The delivery arrived yesterday - perfect - only to find out the valves got left off the pallet!  no one can find my valves....damn online services!!  Kevin was great though and is still moving forward.  He will be back in 2 weeks to install the 2 missing valves and run my venting. 

Next on my list are the cabinets, then tile.  Each takes a while, especially if custom made and special order.  Allow yourself 3-4 week lead time.  I am probably 4 weeks out from needing both.  Off to shop some more I go this week.  Tilo and I are going for that ultra modern, simple but sleek look..not too easy to find on our budget and in the deep south!  Will be ordering a lot online which presents its own set of circumstances.  Online is quick but can be out of stock so be aware.

Lots to do and I still have to work my day job - Nancy and Jody I WILL be working on your pricing and project schedules...right after I post this blog :)  I promise!!

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