Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

DAY 2 - Sunshine!! (Kind of ??)

I wanted to get some before pictures up online before they actually took my roof off - which I think will be tomorrow.  The lumber supplier doesn't have trucks out and about yet, so the roof will stay on until there is lumber to build the new one!! Ruben wants to get this framed by the weekend - WOW...

Windows will take 3 weeks so that is a slight problem.  Normally you want the windows ordered right after "contract signing" but this is not a conventional project.  Ruben will use house wrap to keep the space dried in until the windows arrive. He's my hero!

The boys just got here and are ready to rip out Viola's ceiling, the old Master walls and the front porch portico.  I will shoot some pictures now and post those later this evening...In the meantime,  here are the before we have a reference point for our progress...

 This is the old Master that will be gutted to get rid of the plaster and turned into Viola's Oasis.

 This is the current bathroom upstairs - for 3 bedrooms!!  It will be gutted tomorrow and Viola will have a new fresh hip modern bathroom in it's place!

 This is Viola's "kid room" - actually more her toddler style, that is now gutted completely and will become the "Love palace" for Tilo and I .... :)

And this will be my special "added bonus" - we are gutting the stairwell, opening the whole thing up and adding a skylight...

Stay warm out there - it is frozen pizzas for the boys..gotta keep them fed and happy - little "insider secret" when running your own project.  The subcontractors tend to be more "sensitive" to your personal belongings when they have plenty of red bull to drink and food every few days!!  :)

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