Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

REBATES Gallore!! The down low on getting money to renovate!

There are so many ways to get money back from the government, Ga Power, Watershed Management and environmental groups, that I thought I would try to summarize the how to's on as many as I could. Now I am no expert, and actually learning about all of these as I go, so bare with me if some of the info is not 100% accurate.  It is meant to give you a jump start on applying for the rebates. If you find out about any more, please post on this blog and share with the group!

First, the Federal Government Rebates - the Energy Star Program:  The last 2 years they had a $1500 tax credit initiative which worked really well. I put in a new HVAC unit and so did many of my clients and we all got a $1500 refund on our taxes at the end of the year.  In 2011, the government decided $500 was enough.  In order to apply for this you need to make energy efficient improvements to your homes - new energy efficient appliances, HVAC system, windows, insulation.  The contractor who does the work for you should provide you with a signed form stating such work was performed and paid for.  You will then fill out the tax form described in this link,, and away you go.  There are also HUGE rebates if you opt to put in solar powered water heaters, fuel cells or some other alternative energy sources in your home.  These refunds will be seen as tax refunds at the end of the year.  IF you had work done in 2010 and didn't apply, NOW is the time - you would qualify for the $1500 rebate!!  Get your contractor to provide you with the appropriate paperwork and file with your tax returns.

Second, the Department of Watershed management rebates:  The City of Atlanta rewards you for installing low flow toilets - $50 a pop! Here is the Mayor's info about the program,, and then the actual rebate How To's,  Seems pretty straight forward..I will let you know how it goes for me.

Third, the Georgia Power Rebate Programs:  1. There is the $525 rebate program for the purchase of an electric Marathon water heater.  This water heater costs about $850 for a 50 gal and $1150 for an 85 gal but with that rebate, you are talking peanuts to upgrade.  The Marathon is a good unit, all of my clients have installed them and have no issues.  The tank itself comes with a lifetime warranty which is an added bonus.  Here is the Ga Power link that covers this and the "whole-house rebate" program, 

2. The 2011 rebates for home improvements from Ga Power changed from the less strict 2010 program. Basically what you need to do is have a BPI certfied energy auditor perform an energy efficiency test on your house.  This costs about $450 and takes about 3 hours.  Once complete, they will generate a report which tells you were you can make improvements to increase the efficiency of your home.  The work that is to be done needs to be done by a BPI certified contractor which is also usually the auditor or he will guide you to the contractors.  Once the work is complete, the auditor will retest your house and based on the results of the tests, you will qualify for a certain dollar amount in rebates.  The dollar amount goes up as the improvement in overall efficiency goes up.  A BUNCH of paperwork is submitted by the contractor and you get an actual CHECK from Ga. Power.  You have the potential of getting up to $1900 back with this "whole house" approach when the work is performed by a certified contractor.

If you are only doing a few upgrades, then there as a la carte menu of rebates which can yield you $700 back for work performed by the homeowner, conctractor OR BPI certified contractor. The audit is reimbursed up to $200 so it is almost a no-brainer. I did mine before we broke ground and am hopeful of qualifying for the full $1900.  I used Shane Matteson of Energy Conservation Systems for my audit, who has been holding my hand through this project.  My company is currently evaluating a way we can work together with his in order to be able to offer our clients the amazing "whole house" rebates.

The final rebate program out there is the City of Atlanta SHINE Program: This program is in it's pilot phase so it is a bit more complicated to understand and even the contractors are struggling with dechiphering the new 2011 version.  Here is the info from the City's website, as a start.  From what I understand, the work has to be performed again by a BPI certified contractor who also is certified for the SHINE program.  There are only 11 right now in the city with this certification and Shane is one of them.  Again, I am trying to find a way to work with him so our clients reap these amazing benefits.  This program pays up to $2000 in rebates for improvements made that increase the overall efficiency of the home. It is like getting paid twice for the work you are doing.

If this isn't motivation enough to improve your home, I don't know what is!!  Happy Renovating!

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