Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 4 - I have a new roof - well 50% at least

They demo'd the entire roof and got the felt down with about 50% of the new shingles.  The additional dormer has been framed up and will be shingled tomorrow! Have a look thus far.....

 We visited Cofer Bros today to look at Tucker interior doors.  We are going all modern and want a flush no panel door - that is next to impossible to find.  I would love to bring in doors from Germany!!  My house doesnt warrant that for next house might :)    Tilo and  I will do interior wall layout this weekend - that is always the trickiest part - make the best use of the space available to you.  And will continue getting the plumbing fixtures ordered.  I ordered everything for the Master but need to do the 2 other baths now.  What a process.  Again I will turn to homeclick and national buildersupply sites to help me out.

I am getting tired though and it is only the first week when I had a lot of "no work" time thanks to the weather.  Next week will be the test - working 30+ hours, managing Viola's schedule and finishing the first phase of the project!!  This blog may become my therapy to stay sane....... 

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