Our humble abode and the modern tudor it shall become...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

DAY 3 - "..Burn Baby Burn" - the snow is FINALLY melting.

Please do not let some freak snow storm move in because we have no roof on the front part of our house!!

We are moving right along - walls are being formed up and the the roof will be framed today.  I am about to head up there (I have to go outside to get to my 2nd flr - burrr), take some pictures and lay out the interior walls.  This is a crucial step because sometimes the space looks and feels differently once the shell has been framed.  The architect has some great ideas, but sometimes the measurements are off (as in my case now) and the space needs to be redefined.  Do not hesitate to change things up once the outside walls are in place.  This should NOT be an upcharge if you reconfigure the space so long as you do it BEFORE they start building and you are not ADDING a significant amount of linear footage to your walls.

What we found out on my house is that the architect had my new dormer width at 17'-3" and we only have 16'-1" - we have to start from the side wall of an existing dormer and can only go out to the edge of my we are 10" narrower - BUMMER..Ruben has come up with an idea to give me 6" more of width...every inch counts in this area with these old houses.  This is an example of an unforeseen where the "as built" measurements are slightly off so you need to have a framer who can get as much back as possible - he needs to be creative and insightful to achieve this!

Another unforeseen  - my home was framed with skinny 2x6 joists that went from the front of my house to the back with no support in the middle.  No wonder my ceilings on the 1st flr always cracked!  So it will cost me an additional $600 in material to add some LVLs (strong composite beams used to carry loads today).  Again you have to expect in a renovation of an older home to find things that just could not be seen during the design phase.  You can expect to have 5% in change orders generated by unforeseen conditions.  If this were new construction, the bill would not be paid by me...but in dealing with a home that is 80+ years old, who could know?? Anyway, I will get a well supported level floor in the Master when all is said and done!

The sun is shining, the snow is melting and my Master is taking shape - this day couldn't get any better!! Pictures will be posted later this evening.  Enjoy the last vacation day (I think?). Kris

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